



I went to trainning room at [公民館] after work. I run 3km by running machine. 肩と背中の筋トレをやって帰った。Ah... I will go work tommorow again. I don't want to go work.I have pain at Ass.(=めんどくせぇ。?)



After work, I went to the training room at the community center. I ran 3km on the running machine, did some shoulder and back training, and went home. Oh, I have to work tomorrow. I don't want to go. It's such a pain in the ass.


community center :公民館

ran はrunの過去形、on the running machine

I did some shoulder and back training,:方と背中のトレーニングをやった


It's such a pain in the ass.:ケツの痛みだ。(めんどくせぇ。)