



This weekend, I don't remember well what I have done on Saturday and Sunday . Well,,, It might show that I had rest 【十分に】. I got bathroom at 17:00 on Saturday and Sunday. I think the time when I get bathroom is 【早ければ早いほど良い。】. So I had good weekend. Ah ... tommorow, I will go to work again. It is a pain of the ass.



"I don't really remember what I did this weekend. I guess that means I got to relax a lot. Both days, I took a bath around 5 PM. My theory is that the earlier I can take a bath, the better the weekend. So, I suppose it was a good weekend. Ah, I have to go back to work tomorrow. It's such a pain."


I guess that means Igot to relax a lot.:そんだけ休めたんだと思う。

take a bath:風呂に入る。

My theory is :私の持論は

the earlier~, the better~:~が早ければ早いほど~が良い。


It's a pain in the ass.はかなり俗物的な表現らしい。下品ってことかな