




Hahhhh,,,,,Today I was very tiered too.

I didn't be able to do anything I want to do today again. Someone called me, I go back and work a little, Someone talked to me, I went back and worked a little, And Someone called me again , I went back and work a little... I hope that everyone work silently more [今より]. 一日でいいからおれに話しかけないでくれ。


[chat GPTの翻訳]

"Ugh... I'm so tired today. I couldn't do anything I wanted to do at all. The phone kept ringing, I did a bit of work, someone talked to me, I did a bit more work, the phone rang again, I did a bit more work... Can't everyone just be quiet and work for a change? Just for one day, I'd like it if no one talked to me."


at all:まったく、ぜんぜん

I did a bit of work.:ちょっと仕事した。

Can't everyone just be quiet and work for a change:みんなたまにはちょっと静かに仕事してくれないかな?

for a change:たまには


just for one day:たった一日だけ

I'd like it if~:~してくれると嬉しい。



  • couldn't はよりカジュアルで、日常的な状況でよく使われます。
  • not be able to はフォーマルで、特に理由や制約を説明する場合に使われることが多いです。


  • I couldn't do anything I wanted to do today.(今日はやりたいことが何もできなかった。)
  • Due to constant interruptions, I was not able to complete my tasks today.(絶え間ない中断のせいで、今日は自分の仕事を終えることができなかった。)