

mass production



twenty twenty four



twenty twenty five



twenty twenty six



〇〇units per year



fifty thousand



It's still under consideration.



Now, product is in the concept design phase.



Mass production will be twenty twenty seven.









Ah....I'm tired....

Today I do training. I couldn't understand what is the trainning means. Today's training likes a movie's scene someone sits down chair in circle and says "Let's clap our hands for Jessie for her brave to talk her worries. Thank you Jessie."clap......It's like a カウンセリング scene. Today's training do like that at all... マジで吐き気がした。


【chat GPTの翻訳】

"Oh, I'm so tired.

Today was a training session. I had no idea what the point of the training was. It felt like one of those scenes in movies where a group of people sit in a circle and say, 'Let's give a round of applause to Jessie for sharing her worries. Thank you, Jessie.' Clap, clap, clap... It was like we were doing that kind of counseling session all day long. It made me feel sick. Is our company going to be okay doing this? Companies all over the world are competing every day. Meanwhile, our company is just following whatever the consultants say and doing some cheap version of counseling. When I think about the hard-earned money of our employees going to these strange consultants, it makes me want to cry."


今日は研修だった。:Today was a training session.

I had no idea :わからない。

what A is:Aが何か

It felt like:~みたいに感じた。

one of those senes in movies:映画のワンシーン


良い質問です。"where" を使用する理由について説明します。

英語では、文中の「場所」や「シーン」を示すときに "where" を使うことがあります。具体的には、以下のような場合です:

  1. 物理的な場所を示すとき:

    • "This is the house where I grew up." (これは私が育った家です。)
  2. 抽象的なシーンや状況を示すとき:

    • "I remember a time where everyone was happy." (みんなが幸せだった時を覚えています。)

今回の文では、「映画の中のシーン」という抽象的な状況を示しているため、"where" を使用するのが自然です。文の意味を強調したい場合や、シーン全体の状況を説明したい場合に "where" が適しています。

一方、"that" や "which" は具体的な事実や詳細を説明する際に使われます。例えば:

  • "This is the scene that shows the hero's courage." (これは主人公の勇気を示すシーンです。)

ただし、"that" や "which" も文法的には正しいです。ただし、映画のシーンの「場所」や「状況」を強調する意図がある場合は "where" を使う方がより自然に感じられることが多いです。


  • "It felt like one of those scenes in movies where a group of people sit in a circle and say..." (映画の中で、グループの人々が輪になって座って話すシーンのようだった。)

これを "that" に置き換えると:

  • "It felt like one of those scenes in movies that a group of people sit in a circle and say..." (映画の中で、グループの人々が輪になって座って話すシーンのようだった。)

これでも文法的には正しいですが、"where" を使うことでシーン全体の「状況」や「場所」を強調することができます。









Ah...I'm so tired.

Flyday will come tommorow. Saturday will come day after tommorow.Ah One week will finish. Ah ... Saturday and Sunday will come and Next week will begin. Ah...This is life.Ah 無常。



Ah, I'm so tired.

Tomorrow is Friday. The day after tomorrow is Saturday. Ah, the week is ending. Ah, and after the weekend, another week will begin. Ah, this is life. Ah, the impermanence of it all.


impermanence of it all:すべて無常。。。






Hahhhh,,,,,Today I was very tiered too.

I didn't be able to do anything I want to do today again. Someone called me, I go back and work a little, Someone talked to me, I went back and worked a little, And Someone called me again , I went back and work a little... I hope that everyone work silently more [今より]. 一日でいいからおれに話しかけないでくれ。


[chat GPTの翻訳]

"Ugh... I'm so tired today. I couldn't do anything I wanted to do at all. The phone kept ringing, I did a bit of work, someone talked to me, I did a bit more work, the phone rang again, I did a bit more work... Can't everyone just be quiet and work for a change? Just for one day, I'd like it if no one talked to me."


at all:まったく、ぜんぜん

I did a bit of work.:ちょっと仕事した。

Can't everyone just be quiet and work for a change:みんなたまにはちょっと静かに仕事してくれないかな?

for a change:たまには


just for one day:たった一日だけ

I'd like it if~:~してくれると嬉しい。



  • couldn't はよりカジュアルで、日常的な状況でよく使われます。
  • not be able to はフォーマルで、特に理由や制約を説明する場合に使われることが多いです。


  • I couldn't do anything I wanted to do today.(今日はやりたいことが何もできなかった。)
  • Due to constant interruptions, I was not able to complete my tasks today.(絶え間ない中断のせいで、今日は自分の仕事を終えることができなかった。)





This weekend, I don't remember well what I have done on Saturday and Sunday . Well,,, It might show that I had rest 【十分に】. I got bathroom at 17:00 on Saturday and Sunday. I think the time when I get bathroom is 【早ければ早いほど良い。】. So I had good weekend. Ah ... tommorow, I will go to work again. It is a pain of the ass.



"I don't really remember what I did this weekend. I guess that means I got to relax a lot. Both days, I took a bath around 5 PM. My theory is that the earlier I can take a bath, the better the weekend. So, I suppose it was a good weekend. Ah, I have to go back to work tomorrow. It's such a pain."


I guess that means Igot to relax a lot.:そんだけ休めたんだと思う。

take a bath:風呂に入る。

My theory is :私の持論は

the earlier~, the better~:~が早ければ早いほど~が良い。


It's a pain in the ass.はかなり俗物的な表現らしい。下品ってことかな





Yesterday, I acctually had a little happy. Several months ago, I 【対応した】  internship university students 【仕事の一環で】. I heard that the student who I teach decided to join my company next year.  I take a lot of time for internship so it make me happy.But I think "I made him to join my bitch company. Am I in his way ?" same time. Human is difficult.



"Actually, something nice happened yesterday. A few months ago, as part of my job, I managed an internship for some students, and it turns out that one of the students I supervised has decided to join my company next year. I went through a lot of effort, so I’m glad it paid off. At the same time, I also feel like I might have done something wrong by bringing them into a company I think is terrible. Human emotions are complicated."


manage an internship for sime students:~何人かの学生のインターンシップを対応する。

it turns out:結局のところって意味で使う。





 I went through a lot of effort, so I’m glad it paid off. :苦労した分報われてよかった。

沢山の努力をして、それでpay offは努力が報われる。って慣用句。



At the same time:同時に

I think is terrible.:私がひどいと思っている。


chat GPTに聞いたら、いい質問だとほめられた。I'm glad.

つまり、that I thinkが私が思うにというフレーズなんだなぁ。







Today, Duaring morning I went to hospital for sending and going back my wife. When I went for going back my wife, I stop my car at 路上. But I 気にする to 邪魔になる for anyone, I move my car あっちこっち. I round same way again and again. I think that I an a indiot.


【chat GPT翻訳】

This morning, I drove my wife to and from the hospital. When I went to pick her up, I parked on the street and waited for her. However, I worried that I might be in someone's way, so I moved the car. I ended up driving around the same spot repeatedly, thinking to myself, 'What am I doing?


to and from:送り迎え、行き帰り

pick her up:彼女をピックアップする。


I might be in someone's way:誰かの邪魔になるかもしれない(直訳誰かの道の中にいるかもしれない。)

ended up ~ing:結局~する。

thinking to myself

what am I doing?私は何をしているんだ?

